How to Write a Press Release for Your New Business

1 year ago 419


Whether you're a new business owner or a seasoned professional, writing corporate press release can be an intimidating task. You know that your company is newsworthy, but how do you make sure that the information in your release is accurate and interesting? The key is to follow these simple guidelines:

Keep it factual.

  • Make sure your press release is factual. Don't make statements that you can't back up, or claims that are too grandiose. If the story is about an issue in your industry, be sure to mention it specifically and accurately—don't give the impression that everything else in your business is irrelevant or unimportant.
  • Keep it short but sweet! A good rule of thumb: no more than 500 words (about 2 1/2 pages). This will allow readers enough room for all the juicy details they need while also allowing them time to digest what they've read before moving on with their day (or night).
  • Ensure relevance throughout the entire document by keeping each section focused on one specific topic; doing otherwise risks wandering off topic altogether."

Don't oversell.

Don't oversell. While it's important to let your audience know what you're offering, don't try to sell your product or service in the press release. If you do, it will come across as blatant hype and not just good marketing—it'll be easily spotted by anyone who knows anything about press release for startup.

Similarly, don't use any hype words like "revolutionary" or "groundbreaking" when describing your company; these are not just overused clichés; they're also evidence that you didn't take time out of your day to think through how best to approach this topic before putting pen on paper (or fingers on keys).

It's also important not to make claims that can't be backed up! For example: "We've developed a new software platform which makes managing our clients' social media accounts easier than ever before!" But if we look closely at this statement we might find something interesting: "Our platform has been successfully tested with thousands of users since its inception last year." Does this mean there's actually been no testing done? Or did they just say that because they wanted more clicks?

Identify what makes your company newsworthy.

The first step in writing a press release is to identify what makes your business newsworthy. You should always start by identifying the positive aspects of your business, or the things that make it different from other companies in its industry. For example, if you have a new product that can be used by people with disabilities and has been endorsed by an autism organization as being useful for them, this information will likely be more interesting than something like "our company specializes in making widgets."

Once you've identified what makes your company newsworthy, focus on those aspects in your new company press release. Don't ignore negative information just because it doesn't seem like something everyone would care about; there might be some value in highlighting how difficult certain challenges can be (for example: "We are facing issues with our suppliers because they keep getting sick").

Offer details that will appeal to the reader.

The first thing you should do is provide some context for your press release. This can be as simple as stating the date and time of publication, but it's best to also include a brief summary of what you're offering in order to give readers an idea of why they should care about this story.

Next, think about how relevant each piece of information will be for your target audience. If someone has been looking for a new phone app that does X, Y and Z but their needs aren't met by any apps on offer at this moment (too many ads), then perhaps mentioning something else entirely would work better—something like "new features" or "enhancements."

If there's anything specific about your product or service that makes it stand out from others in its category (ease-of-use), mention those here too!

Maintain journalistic style and objective tone.

When writing a press release, it's important to maintain journalistic style and objective tone. This means that you should:

  • Be clear and concise, avoiding jargon or overly flowery language.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice (i.e., "the organization was established").
  • Avoid hyperbole (e.g., "the organization has had X number of success stories").
  • Don't be too promotional - focus on what's newsworthy about your business rather than its goals or history; do not include any information that is not relevant to the story being told (e.g., don't say "this company makes high-quality tires" if there isn't anything interesting about those tires).
  • Don't be too sensationalist - avoid making claims about your company's success that cannot be proven with facts and figures; for example: "We have been able to increase our profits by X%." It would be better if you could say something like this instead: "Our sales increased by X% over last year."

Give all the essential information for the story.

When writing a business press release example, it's important to include all of the essential information. This includes who, what, when, where and why as well as how—the three-pronged approach to writing a good news release.

  • Who: You should only list key people in your company or organization who will be mentioned in each paragraph of your story. If you have an entire team working on this project (and sometimes even if you don't), it's best to keep them out of the spotlight for now; they'll be more recognizable later on when they're mentioned elsewhere in your story.
  • What: Your first sentence should always include all things related to what happened: "Our new business offering..." or "We are excited about our new product launch!" In addition to giving readers enough context so that they understand what's being talked about right away without having read any previous sentences first—also known as hooking them into reading further—this is also useful because it helps set up expectations before anything else can happen later on down the road during reading process itself which makes sense given question-answer format typical found throughout most articles published online today so please keep these two things separate mind when thinking about writing style overall strategy here too!

Provide quotable sources and contact information for more information.

The next step is to provide contact information for more information. This can be a website, email address and phone number.

The contact information should be at the end of your press release so that it doesn't take up valuable space on the front page of search results or in an article's headline.

Writing a press release is an art, but it's an art that can be learned by following a few simple techniques.

Writing what is a press release in business is an art, but it's an art that can be learned by following a few simple techniques.

A press release is used to announce news about a business, product, or service. It can also be used to announce new products, services and promotions. A press release can be used to announce a new business or company (such as the launch of your new venture), or it could be used in conjunction with other promotional materials such as billboards and radio ads. If you're looking for more information on how-to write your own press releases then check out these great tips!


While it may seem intimidating at first, you can make the press release process a lot less stressful by using these tips. It’s important to remember that the goal of any press release is simply to get more news exposure for your company or organization. After all, who wouldn’t want more coverage?

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